WoW Paladin Macros (Classic)

Melee Attack

This macro targets an enemy and starts your melee attack. Hitting this repeatedly won't stop your attack, making it safe to spam.

#showtooltip Attack
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/startattack [harm]

Blessing of Might

This macro casts Blessing of Might on your target, including a friendly mouseover target. If you hold down a modifier key, it will cycle through the nearby player targets. This is great for when you want to buff all your party members or even just random people you meet in the world.

#showtooltip Blessing of Might
/targetfriendplayer [mod]
/cast [nomod, @mouseover, help] [nomod] Blessing of Might

Blessing of Wisdom

This macro casts Blessing of Wisdom on your target, including a friendly mouseover target. If you hold down a modifier key, it will cycle through the nearby player targets. This is great for when you want to buff all your party members or even just random people you meet in the world.

#showtooltip Blessing of Wisdom
/targetfriendplayer [mod]
/cast [nomod, @mouseover, help] [nomod] Blessing of Wisdom

Blessing of Protection / Divine Protection

This macro will cast Blessing of Protection if your target is friendly, otherwise it will cast Divine Protection on yourself. You will update Divine Protection to Divine Shield once you learn it.

#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/cast [help] Blessing of Protection; Divine Protection

Blessing of Protection / Divine Protection and Bandage

This is the same as above, but this will also immediately use a bandage after casting Divine Protection (or Divine Shield at higher levels). Don't forget to update the bandage as you level.

/cast [help] Blessing of Protection; Divine Protection
/stopcasting [harm]
/use [harm] Wool Bandage

Seals and Judgement

These macros will easily bind some common Seal combos together to one key for easy use. In practice, you can start each fight by just pressing a button three times to get the right Seals applied.

Seal / Judgement Combos

This macro will target an enemy, start your attack and cast Seal of the Crusader, Judgement, then Seal of Righteousness and Judgement on each successive keypress.

/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/startattack [harm]
/castsequence reset=30 Seal of the Crusader, Judgement, Seal of Righteousness, Judgement

This macro will target an enemy, start your attack and cast Seal of the Crusader, Judgement, then Seal of Command and Judgement on each successive keypress.

/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/startattack [harm]
/castsequence reset=30 Seal of the Crusader, Judgement, Seal of Command, Judgement


It is useful to be able to downrank healing spells, so you don't waste mana by overhealing. These macros give you access to four ranks of your choosing by holding either control, shift or alt.

Holy Light

This macro lets you easily downrank Holy Light by holding down control, shift or alt. No modifier will cast the highest rank you have.

#showtooltip Holy Light
/cast [mod:ctrl] Holy Light(Rank 1); [mod:shift] Holy Light(Rank 2); [mod:alt] Holy Light(Rank 3); Holy Light

Flash of Light
This macro lets you easily downrank Flash of Light by holding down control, shift or alt. No modifier will cast the highest rank you have.

#showtooltip Holy Light
/cast [mod:ctrl] Flash of Light(Rank 1); [mod:shift] Flash of Light(Rank 2); [mod:alt] Flash of Light(Rank 3); Flash of Light

Potions and Bandages

This is an easy way to bind Health Potions, Mana Potions and Bandages to a single button. Pressing it normally will use a Health potion, holding down control will use a Mana potion and holding down shift will use a bandage.

Don't forget to change which type of potion and bandage it uses as you are leveling up.

/use [mod:shift] Wool Bandage
/use [mod:ctrl] Lesser Mana Potion
/use [nomod] Lesser Healing Potion