WoW Druid Macros (Classic)
Melee Attack
This macro targets an enemy and starts your melee attack. Hitting this repeatedly won't stop your attack, making it safe to spam. This will acquire a new target when your current one is dead.
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/startattack [harm]
This macro will switch to caster form, start your melee attack and cast Wrath with just one button press.
#showtooltip Wrath
/startattack [harm]
/cast [harm] Wrath
This macro will switch to caster form, start your melee attack and cast Moonfire with just one button press.
#showtooltip Moonfire
/startattack [harm]
/cast [harm] Moonfire
Entangling Roots
This macro will switch to caster form cast Entangling Roots either on your enemy main target, or your enemy mouseover target.
#showtooltip Entangling Roots
/cast [@mouseover, harm] Entangling Roots; [harm] Entangling Roots
Mark of the Wild
This macro will switch to caster form and cast Mark of the Wild on a friendly target, including a mouseover target.
If you hold down a modifier key, it will cycle through the nearby player targets. This is great for when you want to buff all your party members or even just random people you meet in the world.
#showtooltip Mark of the Wild
/targetfriendplayer [mod]
/cancelform [nomod]
/cast [nomod, @mouseover, help] Mark of the Wild; [nomod] Mark of the Wild
This macro will switch to caster form and cast Thorns on a friendly target, including a mouseover target. If you hold down a modifier key, it will cycle through the nearby player targets.
#showtooltip Thorns
/targetfriendplayer [mod]
/cancelform [nomod]
/cast [nomod, @mouseover, help] Thorns; [nomod] Thorns
Healing Touch
This macro switches to caster form and casts Healing Touch.
#showtooltip Healing Touch
/cast [@mouseover, help] Healing Touch; Healing Touch
This macro switches to caster form and casts Rejuvenation.
#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/cast [@mouseover, help] Rejuvenation; Rejuvenation
This macro switches to caster form and casts Regrowth.
#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [@mouseover, help] Regrowth; Regrowth
Bear Form
This macro will switch to Bear form, no matter the form you are currently in, and starts your attack if you are in combat. It won't take you out of Bear form if you activate it multiple times.
#showtooltip Bear Form
/cancelform [noform:1]
/startattack [combat]
/cast [noform:1] !
Bear Form
This version will first switch to Caster Form, then to Bear Form on a second activation. I usually have this and the equivalent Cat version (found below) bound to my scroll wheel. Then I can simply scroll up and down to switch between Bear, Caster and Cat forms.
#showtooltip Bear Form
/startattack [combat]
/cast [noform:1] !Bear Form
/cancelform [noform:1]
Cat Form
These do the same, but for Cat Form. The first immediately switches to Cat Form and starts your attack.
#showtooltip Cat Form
/cancelform [noform:3]
/startattack [combat]
/cast [noform:3] !Cat Form
The second switches to Caster Form first, then to Cat Form.
#showtooltip Cat Form
/startattack [combat]
/cast [noform:3] !Cat Form
/cancelform [noform:3]
This will switch to Cat Form and immediately cast Prowl in one button press.
#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [noform:3] !Cat Form
/cast [form:3] Prowl
Travel Form
This will switch to the fastest available form, either Aquatic, Cat or Travel.
/cast [noform:2, swimming] Aquatic Form; [noform:3, indoors] Cat Form; [noform:4, outdoors] Travel Form
Potions and Bandages
This is an easy way to bind Health Potions, Mana Potions and Bandages to a single button. Pressing it normally will use a Health potion, holding down control will use a Mana potion and holding down shift will use a bandage.
Don't forget to change which type of potion and bandage it uses as you are leveling up.
/use [mod:shift] Wool Bandage
/use [mod:ctrl] Lesser Mana Potion
/use [nomod] Lesser Healing Potion