Quasimidi Cyber-6
The Cyber 6 is basically a with no internal sound capabilities. The main features are:
- 61 and sensitive keys (5 octaves)
- and two
- Foot controller and two foot switch inputs
- Two MIDI out, one in and one
- Handles up to 32 MIDI channels
- Programmable master keyboard layout with the capacity for controlling up to eight separate synthesizers
- Two "motivators" that can be run simultaneously with a selection of , gated-chords and wave-sequencing
- A that can be triggered from the keyboard for live perfomances
- Drum sequencer similar to the
Almost anything you can demand from a master keyboard. Using the main keyboard programming features together with the two "motivators" you can create incredibly complex layers, chord flows and rythms. The arpeggiators are fairly standard (up, down, up+down and random), but since you can combine several of them and also tweak almost every aspect of the midi events sent, you don't really need any more.
Splitting and layering the keyboard for use with several midi instruments simultaneously is easy, e.g. you can play two synth modules, one bass/drum module and two software synths from one Cyber 6 setup and you don't have to touch a single or away from the keyboard to get the sound you want.