Dreadbox Drips V2.0

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Dreadbox’s analog drum voice module Drips is back in a second version with a new faceplate and minor design changes! Greece is not only a nice play to vacation but also home to some great music companies. Dreadbox is one of them and announced today the official release of Drips v.2, a complete analog drum voice module for the Eurorack format. It’s not a big update but it includes some minor changes. The first thing you notice is the new colour of the faceplate. Here the black of the v1 was replaced by light gray.

The filter type selection switch has also been changed and replaced with a toggle switch. Another change is that the v2 has no longer a tap tempo clock button but a knob with which you the clock can be easily changed. Internally, the Drips features now OTA chips and each Drips batch will be done in different colour (each batch will have 100pcs only). So seen, if you don’t love grey, wait a bit maybe the next is your colour.


  • Complete analog synthesizer designed for drum sounds
  • 2 VCOs with FM function
  • White Noise Generator
  • 3 mode VCF (LP-BP-HP)
  • Tap Tempo Clock (only at V1.0)
  • 2 Envelope Generators